Source code for dyconnmap.analytic_signal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Analytic Signal

For a time series :math:`x(t)`, filtered with a passband :math:`N`th order Butterworth filter (Butter1930_)
in the frequency range :math:`F_{lo} - F_{hi}`; first we compute its analytic representation (Cohen1995_ , Freeman2007_):

.. math::
    u_j(t) = \\frac{1}{\pi} \\textrm{PV} \\int_{+\\infty}^{-\\infty} { \\frac{V_j(t')}{t-t'} dt'}

where :math:`PV` signifies the Cauchy Principal Value. The above equation results
into a complex time-series :math:`V_j(t)`, with a real part :math:`v_j(t)` (the original neuroelectric
time-series) and an imaginary part :math:`u_j(t)`, both as functions of time. Where :math:`j` the
EEG recording electrode id.

From these parts, we are capable to determine the Instantaneous Amplitude:

.. math::
    A_j(t) = \sqrt{ v_j^2 (t) + u_j^2 (t) }

and its Instantaneous Phase counterpart, from:

.. math::
    \phi_j (t) = atan \\frac{u_j(t)} {v_j(t)}

The values in :math:`\phi_j(t)` are originally bound to :math:`[-\pi, \pi]`,
however we employed an *unwrap* transformation (a phase correction
algorithm) in order to eliminate the discontinuities (Dimitriadis2010_, Freeman2002_).



.. [Cohen1995] Cohen, L. (1995). Time-frequency analysis (Vol. 1, No. 995,299). Prentice hall.
.. [Freeman2007] Walter J. Freeman (2007) Hilbert transform for brain waves. Scholarpedia, 2(1):1338.
.. [Dimitriadis2010] Dimitriadis, S. I., Laskaris, N. A., Tsirka, V., Vourkas, M., Micheloyannis, S., & Fotopoulos, S. (2010). Tracking brain dynamics via time-dependent network analysis. Journal of neuroscience methods, 193(1), 145-155.
.. [Freeman2002] Freeman, W. J., & Rogers, L. J. (2002). Fine temporal resolution of analytic phase reveals episodic synchronization by state transitions in gamma EEGs. Journal of neurophysiology, 87(2), 937-945.
.. [Butter1930] Butterworth, S. (1930). On the theory of filter amplifiers. Wireless Engineer, 7(6), 536-541.
# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.signal

[docs]def analytic_signal(signal, fb=None, fs=None, order=3): """ Passband filtering and Hilbert transformation Parameters ---------- signal: real array-like, shape(n_rois, n_samples) Input signal fb: list of length 2, optional The low and high frequencies. fs: int, optional. Sampling frequency. order : int, optional The Filter order. Default `3`. Returns ------- hilberted_signal: complex array-like, shape(n_rois, n_samples) The Hilbert representation of the input signal. unwrapped_phase: real array-like, shape(n_rois, n_samples) The unwrapped phase of the Hilbert representation. filtered_signal: real array-like, shape(n_rois, n_samples) The input signal, filtered within the given frequencies. This is returned only if `fb` and `fs` are passed. Notes ----- Internally, we use SciPy's Butterworth implementation (`scipy.signal.butter`) and the two-pass filter `scipy.signal.filtfilt` to achieve results identical to MATLAB. """ skip_filter = fb is None and fs is None if fs is None: fs = 128.0 else: fs = float(fs) if not skip_filter: passband = [fb[0] / (fs / 2.0), fb[1] / (fs / 2.0)] passband = np.ravel(passband) b, a = scipy.signal.butter( order, passband, "bandpass", analog=False, output="ba" ) filtered_signal = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, signal) signal = filtered_signal hilberted_signal = scipy.signal.hilbert(signal) unwrapped_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(hilberted_signal)) if not skip_filter: return (hilberted_signal, unwrapped_phase, signal) else: return (hilberted_signal, unwrapped_phase)