Source code for dyconnmap.chronnectomics.dwell_time

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Dwell Time

Dwell time measures the time (when used in the context of functional connectivity
microstates) a which a state is active consecutive temporal segments (Dimitriadis2019_).


.. [Dimitriadis2019] Dimitriadis, S. I., López, M. E., Maestu, F., & Pereda, E. (2019). Modeling the Switching behavior of Functional Connectivity Microstates (FCμstates) as a Novel Biomarker for Mild Cognitive Impairment. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13.

# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

import numpy as np

[docs]def dwell_time(x): """ Dwell Time Compute the dwell time for the given symbolic, 1d time series. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape(N) Input symbolic time series. Returns ------- dwell : dictionary KVP, where K=symbol id and V=array of dwell time. mean : dictionary KVP, where K=symbol id and V=mean dwell time. std : dictionary KVP, where K=symbol id and V=std dwell time. """ data = x symbols = np.unique(data) dwell = {} dwell_mean = {} dwell_std = {} for symbol in symbols: r = np.where(data == symbol)[0] r_diff = np.diff(r) r_diff_without_one = np.where(r_diff != 1) x = r[r_diff_without_one] segments = len(x) dur = np.zeros((segments, 1)) len_r = len(r) tmp1 = np.squeeze(x) tmp2 = r[len_r - 1] xx = np.hstack([tmp1, tmp2]) for l in range(segments - 1): r1 = np.where(r == xx[l + 1])[0] r2 = np.where(r == xx[l])[0] dur[l] = r1 - r2 r1 = np.where(r == xx[segments])[0] r2 = np.where(r == xx[segments - 1])[0] dur[segments - 1] = r1 - r2 + 1 dwell[symbol] = dur / len(data) dwell_mean[symbol] = np.mean(dur) / len(data) dwell_std[symbol] = np.std(dur) / len(data) return (dwell, dwell_mean, dwell_std)