Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" NeuralGas

Inspired by Self Organizing Maps (SOMs), Neural Gas (*NG*), an unsupervised adaptive algorithm coined by [Martinetz1991]_.
Neural Gas does not assume a preconstructed lattice thus the adaptation cannot be based on the distances between the
neighbor neurons (like in SOMs) because be definition there are no neighbors.

The adaptation-convergence is driven by a stochastic gradient function with a soft-max adaptation rule that minimizes the
average distortion error.

First, we construct a number of neurons ( :math:`N_\\vec{w}` ) with random weights ( :math:`\\vec{w}` ).
Then we train the model by feeding it feature vectors sequentially drawn from the distribution :math:`P(t)`.
When a new feature vector is presented to the model, we sort all neurons' weights (:math:`N_\\vec{w})` based on their
Euclidean distance from :math:`\\vec{x}`. Then, the adaptation if done by:

.. math::
    \\vec{w} \\leftarrow \\vec{w} + [ N_{\\vec{w}} \\cdot  e(t)) \\cdot  h(k)) \\cdot  (\\vec{x} - \\vec{w}) ], \\forall \\vec{w} \\in N_{\\vec{w}}


.. math::
    h(t)=exp{ \\frac{-k}{\\sigma^2}(t) }

    \\sigma^2 = {\\lambda_i(\\frac{\\lambda_T}{\\lambda_0})}^{(\\frac{t}{T_{max}})}

    e(t) = {e_i(\\frac{e_T}{e_0})}^{(\\frac{t}{T_{max}})}

The parameter :math:`\lambda`, governs the initial and final learning rate, while the parameter :math:`e` the training respectively.

After the presentation of a feature vector, increase the itaration counter :math:`t` and repeat
until all desired criteria are met, or :math:`t = T_{max}`.

With these prototypes, we can represent all the input feature vectors :math:`\\vec{x}` using a Nearest Neighbor rule.
The quality of this encoding can measured by the normalized distortion error:

.. math::
    \\frac{ \\sum_{t=1}^T \\left | \\left | X(t) - X^\\ast(t))  \\right | \\right |^2 }{ \\sum_{t=1}^T \\left | \\left | X(t) - \\overline{X})  \\right | \\right |^2 }


.. math::
    \\overline{X}` = \\frac{1}{T} \\sum_{t=1}^T{X(t)}

:math:`T` is the number of reference prototypes; in :math:`X` the input patterns are stored; :math:`X^\\ast` contains
the approximated patterns as produced by the Nearest Neighbor rule.

For faster convergence, we can also draw random weights from the given probability distribution :math:`P(t)`



.. [Martinetz1991] Martinetz, T., Schulten, K., et al. A "neural-gas" network learns topologies. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991.
.. [Laskaris2004] Laskaris, N. A., Fotopoulos, S., & Ioannides, A. A. (2004). Mining information from event-related recordings. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE, 21(3), 66-77.

# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

from .cluster import BaseCluster

[docs]class NeuralGas(BaseCluster): """ Neural Gas Parameters ---------- n_protos : int The number of prototypes iterations : int The maximum iterations epsilon : list of length 2 The initial and final training rates lrate : list of length 2 The initial and final rearning rates n_jobs : int Number of parallel jobs (will be passed to scikit-learn)) metric : string One of the following valid options as defined for function Valid options include: - euclidean - cityblock - l1 - cosine rng : object or None An object of type numpy.random.RandomState Attributes ---------- protos : array-like, shape(n_protos, n_features) The prototypical vectors distortion : float The normalized distortion error Notes ----- Slightly based on ** """ def __init__( self, n_protos=10, iterations=1024, # epsilon=[10, 0.001], epsilon=None, # lrate=[0.5, 0.005], lrate=None, n_jobs=1, metric="euclidean", rng=None, ): self.n_protos = n_protos self.iterations = iterations if epsilon is None: self.epsilon_i, self.epsilon_f = [10, 0.001] if lrate is None: self.lrate_i, self.lrate_f = [0.5, 0.005] self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.protos = None self.distortion = 0.0 if rng is None: self.rng = np.random.RandomState() else: self.rng = rng self.metric = metric self.__symbols = None self.__encoding = None
[docs] def fit(self, data): """ Learn data, and construct a vector codebook. Parameters ---------- data : real array-like, shape(n_samples, n_features) Data matrix, each row represents a sample. Returns ------- self : object The instance itself """ [n_samples, _] = data.shape self.protos = data[self.rng.choice(n_samples, self.n_protos),] avg_p = np.mean(data, 0).reshape(1, -1) dist_from_avg_p = np.sum(pairwise_distances(avg_p, data)) for iteration in range(self.iterations): sample = data[self.rng.choice(n_samples, 1),] t = iteration / float(self.iterations) lrate = self.lrate_i * (self.lrate_f / float(self.lrate_i)) ** t epsilon = self.epsilon_i * (self.epsilon_f / float(self.epsilon_i)) ** t D = pairwise_distances( sample, self.protos, metric=self.metric, n_jobs=self.n_jobs ) I = np.argsort(np.argsort(D)) H = np.exp(-I / epsilon).ravel() diff = sample - self.protos for proto_id in range(self.n_protos): self.protos[proto_id, :] += lrate * H[proto_id] * diff[proto_id, :] nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, algorithm="auto").fit(self.protos) distances, _ = nbrs.kneighbors(data) self.distortion = np.sum(distances) / dist_from_avg_p return self