Source code for dyconnmap.fc.glm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" General Linear Model

General linear modeling (*GLM*) is used widely in neuroimaging [Penny2006_] to detect
coupling between a low and higher frequency.

.. math::
    \\chi_{hf} = X_{\\beta} + e

Where :math:`\\beta` are the corresponding regression coefficients and
:math:`e` is the additive Gaussian noise. Finally, :math:`X` is the design
matrix of size :math:`n \\times 3` (:math:`n` the number of samples). Columns
1 and 2, contain the cosines and sines counterparts of the instantaneous
phases (of the low frequency) of the predictors, while the third row only 1s.



.. [Penny2006] Penny, W. D., Friston, K. J., Ashburner, J. T., Kiebel, S. J., & Nichols, T. E. (Eds.). (2011). Statistical parametric mapping: the analysis of functional brain images. Academic press.
.. [Penny2008] Penny, W. D., Duzel, E., Miller, K. J., & Ojemann, J. G. (2008). Testing for nested oscillation. Journal of neuroscience methods, 174(1), 50-61.
# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

from ..analytic_signal import analytic_signal

import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm

[docs]def glm(data, fb_lo, fb_hi, fs, pairs=None, window_size=-1): """ General Linear Model Estimate the :math:`r^2` for the given :attr:`data`, between the :attr:`pairs (if given) of channels. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape(n_channels, n_samples) Multichannel recording data. fb_lo : list of length 2 The low and high frequencies of the lower band. fb_hi : list of length 2 The low and high frequencies of the upper band. fs : float Sampling frequency. pairs : array-like or `None` - If an `array-like` is given, notice that each element is a tuple of length two. - If `None` is passed, complete connectivity will be assumed. window_size : int The number of samples that will be used in each window. Returns ------- ts : complex array-like, shape(n_windows, n_channels, n_channels) Estimated :math:`r^2` time series (in each window). ts_avg: complex array-like, shape(n_channels, n_channels) Average :math:`r^2` (across all windows). """ window_size = int(window_size) n_channels, n_samples = np.shape(data) windows = n_samples / window_size windows = np.int32(windows) if windows <= 0: windows = 1 window_size = -1 if pairs is None: pairs = [(r1, r2) for r1 in range(n_channels) for r2 in range(n_channels)] l_hilb, _, _ = analytic_signal(data, fb_lo, fs) h_hilb, _, _ = analytic_signal(data, fb_hi, fs) lf = np.angle(l_hilb) % np.pi hfa = np.abs(h_hilb) ts = np.zeros((windows, n_channels, n_channels)) ts_avg = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels)) start_window = 0 end_window = start_window + window_size for win in range(windows): for pair in pairs: source_channel, target_channel = pair slide_lf = lf[source_channel, start_window:end_window] slide_hfa = hfa[target_channel, start_window:end_window] s = np.size(slide_lf) y = np.reshape(slide_hfa, (s, 1)) ax = np.ones((s)) X = np.vstack((np.cos(slide_lf), np.sin(slide_lf), ax)).T result = sm.OLS(y, X).fit() r2 = result.rsquared r2 = np.float32(r2) ts[win, source_channel, target_channel] = r2 start_window = end_window end_window = start_window + window_size ts_avg = np.average(ts, 0) return ts, ts_avg