Source code for dyconnmap.fc.pac

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Phase-Amplitude Coupling

Phase-Amplitude Coupling (*PAC*) is the most famous and prominent approach for
studuying the Cross Frequency Coupling between slow and faster oscillations. The
phase of a low frequency drive the power of a higher frequency.

# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

from .estimator import Estimator
from ..analytic_signal import analytic_signal

import numpy as np

[docs]def pac(data, f_lo, f_hi, fs, estimator, pairs=None): """ Phase-Amplitude Coupling Compute the Phase Amplitude Couplgin using the given estimator for the given *data*, between the specified *pairs* of channels. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape = [n_electrodes, n_samples] Multichannel recording data. pairs : array-like Each element is a tuple of length two. f_lo : list of length 2 The low and high frequencies. f_hi : list of length 2 The low and high frequencies. fs : float Sampling frequency. estimator: iplv | plv | pli | corr Estimator used Valid options: 'iplv' : Imaginary Phase Locking Value 'plv' : Phase Locking Value 'pli' : Phase Lag Index Returns ------- ts : complex array-like, shape = [n_electrodes, n_electrodes, n_samples] The PAC computed each time series. avg : complex array-like, shape = [n_electrodes, n_electrodes] The average PAC across all samples. """ pac = PAC(f_lo, f_hi, fs, estimator, pairs) phases, phases_lohi = pac.preprocess(data) return pac.estimate(phases, phases_lohi)
[docs]class PAC(Estimator): """ Phase Amplitude Coupling (PAC) """ def __init__(self, f_lo, f_hi, fs, estimator, pairs=None): self.f_lo = f_lo self.f_hi = f_hi self.fs = fs self.estimator = estimator self.pairs = pairs
[docs] def preprocess(self, data): hilberted_lo, _, _ = analytic_signal(data, self.f_lo, self.fs) phase = np.angle(hilberted_lo) hilberted_hi, _, _ = analytic_signal(data, self.f_hi, self.fs) amp = np.abs(hilberted_hi) hilberted_lohi, _, _ = analytic_signal(amp, self.f_lo, self.fs) phase_lohi = np.angle(hilberted_lohi) return phase, phase_lohi
[docs] def mean(self, ts): return self.estimator.mean(ts)
[docs] def estimate(self, phases, phases_lohi): num_ts, ts_len = np.shape(phases) self.pairs = [(r1, r2) for r1 in range(0, num_ts) for r2 in range(r1, num_ts)] pacs_ts = np.zeros((num_ts, num_ts, ts_len), dtype=np.complex) pacs_avg = np.zeros((num_ts, num_ts)) for pair in self.pairs: p1, p2 = pair phase1 = phases[p1,] phase1_lohi = phases_lohi[p2,] ts, avg = self.estimator.estimate_pair(phase1, phase1_lohi) pacs_ts[pair] = ts pacs_avg[pair] = avg return pacs_ts, pacs_avg
[docs] def estimate_pair(self, phase1, phase1_lohi): ts, avg = self.estimator.estimate_pair(phase1, phase1_lohi) return ts, avg