Source code for dyconnmap.fc.plv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Phase Locking Value

One of the pioneer methods called Phase Locking Value (*PLV*) is discussed in
[Lachaux1998]_; it utilizes the Hilbert representation (consult
:py:mod:`dyconnmap.analytic_signal` for more details) an EEG time
series (of :math:`N_{sensors}`) and quantifies their interaction based on their
instantaneous phase in a specific band frequency.

So, for a pair of Instantaneous Phases of two time series of equal length,
:math:`\phi_{j1}(t)` and :math:`\phi_{j2}(t)`, the Phase Locking Value for each
sample in time (:math:`t`) is computed as:

.. math::
    e^{i (\phi_{j1}(t)  - \phi_{j2}(t))}

A value of zero means that no coupling (or negligible) observed between two
phases, while a value of one denotes a perfect synchronization.



.. [Lachaux1998] Lachaux, J., Rodriguez, E., Martinerie, J., Varela, F., & others,. (1999). Measuring phase synchrony in brain signals. Human Brain Mapping, 8(4), 194-208.
# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

from .estimator import Estimator
from ..analytic_signal import analytic_signal

import numpy as np

[docs]def plv_fast(data, pairs=None): """ Phase Locking Value """ _, n_samples = np.shape(data) _, u_phases = analytic_signal(data) Q = np.exp(1j * u_phases) Q = np.matrix(Q) W = np.abs(Q @ Q.conj().transpose()) / np.float32(n_samples) return W
[docs]def plv(data, fb=None, fs=None, pairs=None): """ Phase Locking Value Compute the PLV for the given :attr:`data`, between the :attr:`pairs` (if given) of channels. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape(n_rois, n_samples) Multichannel recording data. fb : list of length 2, optional The low and high frequencies. fs : float, optional Sampling frequency. pairs : array-like or `None` - If an `array-like` is given, notice that each element is a tuple of length two. - If `None` is passed, complete connectivity will be assumed. Returns ------- ts : array-like, shape(n_rois, n_rois, n_samples) Estimated PLV time series. avg : array-like, shape(n_rois, n_rois) Average PLV. See also -------- dyconnmap.fc.PLV: Phase Locking Value (Class Estimator) dyconnmap.fc.iplv: Imaginary part of PLV dyconnmap.fc.pli: Phase Lag Index """ estimator = PLV(fb, fs, pairs) pp_data = estimator.preprocess(data) return estimator.estimate(pp_data)
[docs]class PLV(Estimator): """ Phase Locking Value (PLV) See also -------- dyconnmap.fc.plv: Phase Locking Value dyconnmap.tvfcg: Time-Varying Functional Connectivity Graphs """ def __init__(self, fb=None, fs=None, pairs=None): Estimator.__init__(self, fb, fs, pairs) self.data_type = np.complex
[docs] def preprocess(self, data): if self._skip_filter: _, u_phases = analytic_signal(data) else: _, u_phases, _ = analytic_signal(data, self.fb, self.fs) return u_phases
[docs] def estimate_pair(self, signal1, signal2): """ Returns ------- ts : array-like, shape(1, n_samples) Estimated PLV time series (real valued). avg : float Average PLV. Notes ----- Called from :mod:`dyconnmap.tvfcgs.tvfcg`. """ n_samples = len(signal1) ts_plv = np.exp(1j * (signal1 - signal2)) avg_plv = np.abs(np.sum((ts_plv))) / float(n_samples) return ts_plv, avg_plv
[docs] def mean(self, ts): l = float(np.shape(ts)[0]) return np.abs(np.sum(ts)) / l
[docs] def estimate(self, data, data_against=None): """ Returns ------- ts : complex array-like, shape(n_channels, n_channels, n_samples) Estimated PLV time series (complex valued). avg : array-like, shape(n_channels, n_channels) Average PLV. Notes ----- Called from :mod:`dyconnmap.tvfcgs.tvfcg`. """ n_rois, n_samples = np.shape(data) ts = np.zeros((n_rois, n_rois, n_samples), dtype=np.complex) avg = np.zeros((n_rois, n_rois)) super().prepare_pairs(n_rois) for pair in self.pairs: u_phases1, u_phases2 = data[pair,] ts_plv = np.exp(1j * (u_phases1 - u_phases2)) avg_plv = np.abs(np.sum((ts_plv))) / float(n_samples) ts[pair] = ts_plv avg[pair] = avg_plv return ts, avg