Source code for dyconnmap.fc.wpli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Weighted Phase Lag Index and Debiased Weighted Phase Lag Index

PLI is prone to noise and volume conduction effects; thus, Weighted Lag Index (*wPLI*) [Vinck2011]_
was proposed in [Vinck, 2011] alongside with an alternative, debiased design (*dwPLI*).
Similar to PLI, wPLI operates on the cross-spectrum of two real-valued signals; but,
it furthermore weights the cross-spectrum with the magnitude of the imaginary component.

.. math::
    wPLI = \\frac{|E\{ \\Im(Z) \} |}{ E\{ \\Im(Z) \} } = \\frac{ | E\{ |\\Im(Z)| sign(\\Im(Z)) \} |  }{ E\{ |\\Im(Z)| \} }

Furthermore, to overcome the possible sample-bias, the authors defined a debiased variant of wPLI:

.. math::
    dwPLI = \\frac{\\sum_{j=1}^N \\sum_{k \\neq j} \\Im\{X_j\} \\Im\{X_k\}}{\\sum_{j=1}^N \\sum_{k \\neq j} \\left| \\Im\{X_j\} \\Im\{X_k\} \\right| }



.. [Vinck2011] Vinck, M., Oostenveld, R., van Wingerden, M., Battaglia, F., & Pennartz, C. M. (2011). An improved index of phase-synchronization for electrophysiological data in the presence of volume-conduction, noise and sample-size bias. Neuroimage, 55(4), 1548-1565.
# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

from ..analytic_signal import analytic_signal

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

[docs]def wpli(data, fb, fs, pairs=None, **kwargs): """ Weighted Phase Lag Index Compute the Weight Phase Lad Index for the given *data*, between the specified *pairs* of channels. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape(n_channels, n_samples) Multichannel recording data. fb : list of length 2 The lower and upper frequency. fs : float Sampling frequency. pairs : array-like or `None` - If an `array-like` is given, notice that each element is a tuple of length two. - If `None` is passed, complete connectivity will be assumed. **kwargs : Keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.mlab.csd`. Returns ------- wpli : array-like, shape(n_channels, n_channels) Estimated Weighted PLI. Notes ----- 1. The resulting wpli value has a phase shift. 2. The results do not match those from MATLAB because of the `mlab.cpsd`. Seer also --------- dyconnmap.wpli.dwpli: Debiased Weighted Phase Lag Index """ n_channels, _ = np.shape(data) if pairs is None: pairs = __prepare_pairs(n_channels) _, _, filtered = analytic_signal(data, fb, fs) filtered = data wpliv = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels)) for pair in pairs: filt1, filt2 = filtered[pair,] csdxy, _ = mlab.csd( filt1, filt2, Fs=fs, scale_by_freq=True, sides="onesided", **kwargs ) Ixy = np.imag(csdxy) num = np.nansum(np.abs(Ixy) * np.sign(Ixy)) denom = np.nansum(np.abs(Ixy)) wpliv[pair] = num / denom return wpliv
[docs]def dwpli(data, fb, fs, pairs=None, **kwargs): """ Debiased Weighted Phase Lag Index Compute the Debiased Weight Phase Lad Index for the given *data*, between the specified *pairs* of channels. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape(n_channels, n_samples) Multichannel recording data. fb : list of length 2 The lower and upper frequency. fs : float Sampling frequency. pairs : array-like or `None` - If an `array-like` is given, notice that each element is a tuple of length two. - If `None` is passed, complete connectivity will be assumed. **kwargs : Keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.mlab.csd`. Returns ------- dwpli : array-like, shape(n_channels, n_channels) Estimated Debiased Weighted PLI. Seer also --------- dyconnmap.wpli.wpli: Weighted Phase Lag Index """ n_channels, _ = np.shape(data) if pairs is None: pairs = __prepare_pairs(n_channels) _, _, filtered = analytic_signal(data, fb, fs) filtered = data dwpliv = np.zeros((n_channels, n_channels)) for pair in pairs: filt1, filt2 = filtered[pair,] csdxy, _ = mlab.csd( filt1, filt2, Fs=fs, scale_by_freq=True, sides="onesided", **kwargs ) Ixy = np.imag(csdxy) num = np.nansum(np.abs(Ixy) * np.sign(Ixy)) denom = np.nansum(np.abs(Ixy)) sumsquare = np.nansum(np.power(Ixy, 2.0)) dwpliv[pair] = (np.power(num, 2.0) - sumsquare) / ( np.power(denom, 2.0) - sumsquare ) return dwpliv
def __prepare_pairs(rois): return [(r1, r2) for r1 in range(rois) for r2 in range(rois)]