Source code for dyconnmap.ts.markov_matrix

""" Markov matrix

Generation of markov matrix and some related state transition features.

# Author: Avraam Marimpis <>

from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple
import numpy as np

[docs]def markov_matrix( symts: "np.ndarray[np.int32]", states_from_length: Optional[bool] = True ) -> "np.ndarray[np.float32]": """ Markov Matrix Markov matrix (also refered as "transition matrix") is a square matrix that tabulates the observed transition probabilities between symbols for a finite Markov Chain. It is a first-order descriptor by which the next symbol depends only on the current symbol (and not on the previous ones); a Markov Chain model. A transition matrix is formally depicted as: Given the probability :math:`Pr(j|i)` of moving between :math:`i` and :math:`j` elements, the transition matrix is depicted as: .. math:: P = \\begin{pmatrix} P_{1,1} & P_{1,2} & \\ldots & P_{1,j} & \\ldots & P_{1,S} \\\\ P_{2,1} & P_{2,2} & \\ldots & P_{2,j} & \\ldots & P_{2,S} \\\\ \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\ P_{i,1} & P_{i,2} & \\ldots & P_{i,j} & \\ldots & P_{i,S} \\\\ \\vdots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots & \\ddots & \\vdots \\\\ P_{S,1} & P_{S,2} & \\ldots & P_{S,j} & \\ldots & P_{S,S} \\\\ \\end{pmatrix} Since the transition matrix is row-normalized, so as the total transition probability from state :math:`i` to all the others must be equal to :math:`1`. For more properties consult, among other links WolframMathWorld_ and WikipediaMarkovMatrix_. | ----- .. [WolframMathWorld] .. [WikipediaMarkovMatrix] Parameters ---------- symts : array-like, shape(N) One-dimensional discrete time series. states_from_length: bool or int, optional Used to account symbolic time series in which not all the symbols are present. That may happen when for example the symbols are drawn from different distributions. Default `True`, the size of the resulting Markov Matrix is equal to the number of unique symbols present in the time series. If `False`, the size will be the `highest symbolic state + 1`. You may also speficy the highest (inclusive) symbolic state. Returns ------- mtx : matrix The transition matrix. The size depends the parameter `states_from_length`. """ symbols = np.unique(symts) if isinstance(states_from_length, bool): if states_from_length: l = len(symbols) else: l = np.max(symbols) + 1 elif isinstance(states_from_length, int): l = states_from_length else: l = len(symbols) mtx = np.zeros((l, l)) for i in range(len(symts) - 1): curr_sym = symts[i] next_sym = symts[i + 1] mtx[curr_sym, next_sym] += 1 mtx /= np.float32(len(symts)) # mtx = mtx.astype(np.float32) return mtx
[docs]def transition_rate( symts: "np.ndarray[np.int32]", weight: Optional[Union[np.float32, "np.ndarray[np.float32]"]] = None, ) -> float: """ Transition Rate The total sum of transition between symbols. Parameters ---------- symts : weight : float Returns ------- """ TR = 0.0 l = len(symts) if weight is None: weight = np.float32(l) for pos in range(l - 1): curr_sym = symts[pos] next_sym = symts[pos + 1] if curr_sym != next_sym: TR += 1.0 weighted_tr = np.float64(TR / weight) return weighted_tr
[docs]def occupancy_time( symts: "np.ndarray[np.int32]", symbol_states: np.int32 = None, weight: Optional[Union[np.float32, "np.ndarray[np.float32]"]] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.float64, "np.ndarray[np.int32]"]: """ Occupancy Time Parameters ---------- symts : symbol_states : int The maximum number of symbols. This is useful to define in case your symbolic timeseries skips some states, in which case would produce a matrix of different size. weight : float The weights of the reuslting transition symbols. Default `len(symts)`. Returns ------- oc : symbols : """ symbols = np.unique(symts) if symbol_states is None: oc = np.zeros((len(symbols)), dtype=np.float32) else: oc = np.zeros((symbol_states), dtype=np.float32) l = len(symts) if weight is None: weight = np.float32(l) for pos in range(l - 1): curr_sym = symts[pos] next_sym = symts[pos + 1] if curr_sym == next_sym: oc[curr_sym] += 1 weighted_oc = np.float64(oc / weight) # oc /= weight return weighted_oc, symbols